Organic Dairy Marketing Assistance Program (ODMAP)

Deadline Information:
Applications were accepted during the ODMAP enrollment period of May 24, 2023 through July 26, 2023. ODMAP 2024 is in the planning stages and will occur starting mid summer 2024.

The Organic Dairy Marketing Assistance Program (ODMAP), administered by the Farm Service Agency (FSA), offers payments  to eligible organic dairy producers. Eligible ODMAP participants will receive a 1-time payment, calculated based on a cost share of marketing costs on the pounds of organic milk marketed for the 2022 calendar year not to exceed 5 million pounds of production..

Additional Benefits:

How to Enroll: To apply for the Organic Dairy Marketing Assistance Program , producers  must complete and submit an ODMAP application to their local FSA office. The application process includes certifying to 2022 milk production, and providing supporting documentation.. Detailed enrollment instructions and deadlines are available through the local FSA office or the official USDA website.

Eligibility: .

Producers and handlers are encouraged to check with their local FSA office for specific requirements, application deadlines, and additional program details.

Maximum $ Amount:  

Eligible organic dairy operations are eligible for payment up to a maximum of 5 million pounds of organic milk production.


Official Program Page

ODMAP 2024 Fact Sheet
