Emergency Conservation Program (ECP)

Deadline Information:
Applications are accepted following a natural disaster event. Producers should apply as soon as possible after the disaster occurs to ensure timely assistance.

The Emergency Conservation Program (ECP), administered by the Farm Service Agency (FSA), offers financial and technical assistance to agricultural producers to repair and restore farmland affected by natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, wildfires, drought, and other calamities. ECP helps farmers and ranchers implement emergency conservation measures to rehabilitate damaged land, restore agricultural production, and prevent further environmental degradation.

Program Features:

Additional ECP Benefits:

How to Enroll: To apply for the Emergency Conservation Program, producers must submit a request for assistance to their local FSA office. The application process includes an assessment of the damage, documentation of the disaster impact, and a description of the proposed conservation measures. Detailed enrollment instructions and deadlines are available through the local FSA office or the official USDA website.

Eligibility: Eligible applicants include farmers and ranchers who have suffered damage to their farmland due to natural disasters. The damage must significantly impair the land’s agricultural productivity or pose a threat to land or water resources.

Maximum $ Amount:  



Official Program Page

ECP Fact Sheet

FSA Disaster Assistance Discovery Tool

Farmers.gov Protection & Recovery

Farmers.gov Conservation Information

Farmers.gov Conservation Information
