Dairy Indemnity Payment Program (DIPP)

Deadline Information:

The Dairy Indemnity Payment Program (DIPP), administered by the Farm Service Agency (FSA), assists dairy producers who experience financial losses due to the contamination of their milk or the necessary culling of dairy cows because of residues, chemicals, toxic substances, or nuclear radiation or fallout. This program provides payments to producers who cannot sell their milk on the commercial market due to contamination, ensuring they can recover from these adverse events and continue their operations.

Program Features:

How to Enroll: To apply for the Dairy Indemnity Payment Program, producers must submit an application to their local FSA office. The application process includes providing documentation of contamination and evidence of financial losses. Detailed enrollment instructions and deadlines are available through the local FSA office or the official USDA website.

Eligibility: Eligible applicants include dairy producers who have experienced milk contamination or have had to remove dairy cows from production due to residues, chemicals, toxic substances, or nuclear radiation. Producers must provide sufficient evidence of contamination and its financial impact.

Producers are encouraged to check with their local FSA office for specific requirements, application deadlines, and additional program details.

Maximum $ Amount:  



Official Program Page

DIPP News Release
